Must Read – Booklist

With the summer soon approaching, I will finally have a LOT of time to read books again! Read them for fun, I mean…not just to expand my ability to analyze and interpret them from the viewpoint of the literary.

Below is a booklist I’ve found – a list of essential books that everybody who likes to read…should read. Classics. (Bolded titles have already been read)

  1. The Great Gatsby
  2. The Prince
  3. Slaughter–House Five
  4. 1984
  5. The Republic Of Plato: Second Edition
  6. The Brothers Karamazov
  7. The Catcher in the Rye
  8. The Wealth of Nations
  9. For Whom the Bell Tolls (Scribner Classics)
  10. The Picture of Dorian Gray
  11. The Grapes of Wrath
  12. Brave New World
  13. How to Win Friends & Influence People
  14. The Call of the Wild
  15. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
  16. The Swiss Family Robinson
  17. The Dharma Bums
  18. The Iliad and The Odyssey
  19. Catch-22: A Novel
  20. Walden
  21. Lord of the Flies
  22. The Master and Margarita
  23. Bluebeard: A Novel
  24. Atlas Shrugged – Read it once, but I want to re-read it. Not too easy to understand in 6th grade
  25. The Metamorphosis
  26. Another Roadside Attraction
  27. White Noise
  28. Ulysses
  29. The Young Man’s Guide
  30. Blood Meridian, or the Evening Redness in the West
  31. Seek: Reports from the Edges of America & Beyond
  32. Crime And Punishment
  33. Steppenwolf
  34. The Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry
  35. Don Quixote
  36. Into the Wild
  37. The Divine Comedy – Dante’s Inferno, Pergutorio, Paradiso
  38. The Hobbit
  39. Rough Riders
  40. East of Eden
  41. Leviathan
  42. The Thin Red Line
  43. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
  44. Politics (by Aristotle)
  45. Cyrano de Bergerac
  46. Tropic of Cancer
  47. The Crisis
  48. The Naked and the Dead
  49. To Kill A Mockingbird
  50. The Art of Warfare
  51. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
  52. Pride and Prejudice
  53. Animal Farm
  54. Green Eggs and Ham
  55. Fahrenheit 451
  56. Night
  57. Harry Potter (series)
  58. Romeo and Juliet
  59. Jane Eyre
  60. The Chronicles of Narnia
  61. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
  62. The Giver
  63. The Giving Tree
  64. The Little Prince
  65. Bible
  66. Charlotte’s Web
  67. The Kite Runner
  68. Wuthering Heights
  69. Little Women
  70. Hamlet
  71. Gone With the Wind
  72. The Color Purple
  73. Ender’s Game
  74. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
  75. One Hundred Years of Solitude
  76. Flowers for Algernon
  77. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
  78. The Scarlet Letter
  79. The Time Traveler’s Wife
  80. A Thousand Splendid  Suns
  81. Anne of Green Gables
  82. The Book Thief
  83. Siddartha
  84. A Tale of Two Cities
  85. Of Mice and Men
  86. The Poisonwood Bible
  87. Lolita
  88. Life of Pi
  89. Memoirs of a Geisha
  90. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
  91. Anna Karenina
  92. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
  93. The Good Earth
  94. Where the Wild Things Are
  95. The Hiding Place
  96. All Quiet on the Western Front
  97. A Clockwork Orange
  98. The Stranger
  99. The Stand
  100. The Last Lecture
  101. Three Cups of Tea
  102. Invisible Man
  103. The Old Man and the Sea
  104. War and Peace
  105. Man’s Search for Meaning
  106. The Fountainhead
  107. A Prayer for Owen Meany
  108. The Red Tent
  109. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  110. The Outsiders
  111. A Christmas Carol
  112. Mists of Avalon
  113. Hatchet
  114. Beyond Good and Evil
  115. The Federalist Papers
  116. Moby Dick
  117. Frankenstein
  118. The Boys of Summer
  119. A Separate Peace
  120. A Farewell to Arms
  121. Robinson Crusoe
  122. The Pearl
  123. On The Road
  124. Treasure Island
  125. A Confederacy of Dunces
  126. Foucault’s Pendulum
  127. The Great Railway Bazaar
  128. Fear and Trembling
  129. Undaunted Courage
  130. Paradise Lost
  131. Cannery Bow
  132. Into Thin Air
  133. King Solomon’s Mines
  134. The Idiots
  135. A River Runs Through It
  136. The Island of Dr. Moreau
  137. The Count of Monte Cristo
  138. The Red Badge of Courage
  139. Lonesome Dove
  140. The Maltese Falcon
  141. The Long Goodbye
  142. From Here to Eternity
  143. Self Reliance

More to come.  Unformatted entry. I have class soon ❤